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Scouts Canada Whitby Area Volunteers

Job Descriptions

The operation of an effective Area require the dedication and skills of a large number of volunteers. These include:
AREA COMMISSIONER: appointed as then manager of the Area
DEPUTY AREA COMMISSIONERS: one appointed for each focus area: Group Servicing, Registration, Membership Growth, Program Delivery, Training, Adult Recognition, Area Finance
ASSISTANT AREA COMMISSIONERS: one appointed for each youth section: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Rovers
SERVICE TREAM MEMBERS: usually not associated with a group but are available to help in a large number of activities & special events.
TRAINING TEAM: Leaders who have taken basic trainging in Wood Badge and aspire to train others.
GROUP COMMISSIONERS: one appointed for each group.


Accountable to: Council Commissioner
Term: Appointed/elected annually the Council Commissioner in consultation with the members in the area to be served.
Time required: 16 to 20 hours per month (on average).
Scope of position: The Area Commissioner is recognized as the principle point of contact for the Area. Responsibilities include communication and ensuring that the Group Commissioners receive the service and support necessary for them to perform their roles.
Typical roles and/or responsibilities may include but are not limited to:

• Encourage an attitude favorable for growth and identify,create and provide opportunities for growth within the Area.
• Regularly meet with Group Commissioners to review their plan and progress for achieving growth.
• Effectively manage the VRAD process in the Area.
• Actively support the promotion of all seven programs currently offered.
• Selectively recruit, orient and appoint:
• • Group Commissioners
• • Other adults to assist in the management of the Area as necessary (i.e. Adult Development, Service and Support, Communications, etc.)

• Represent the Area as a member of the Council Commissioner ’s team and provide monthly reports on the program status of the Area.
• Manage the flow of accurate and timely information on all Scouting matters, including procedure and policy changes.
• Develop positive working relationships with Group and Council Commissioners, Leaders and the community at large within their area.
• Encourage section leaders and group management team members to attend Area Scouters ’ Clubs.

Program Support:
• Provide assistance and leadership to the Group Commissioners
• Be a catalyst for youth input at the area level.
• Regularly meet with Group Commissioners to monitor progress in achieving Scouts Canada’s Program Standards and provide assistance where possible.
• Ensure due emphasis is placed on risk management with a focus on member safety.
• Identify/engage external resources as required so that Area initiatives and goals can be achieved.
• Provide support in the preparation of Area camps or special events.

Program Evaluation:
• Ensure compliance with Scouts Canada’s Polices,Procedures and Program Standards.
• Prepare and conduct Group Audits.
• Ensure compliance with all Screening Procedures as set by Scouts Canada Volunteer Recruitment and Development Strategy
• Conduct evaluations of Commissioners, identify development needs and provide opportunities for further leadership development where required.
• Advise the Council Executive Director immediately if, as a result of a complaint or observed behavior, a Member should be suspended.
Take appropriate action as directed by Council Executive Director. Council Management Operating Procedures must be followed.
• Identify the developmental needs of Volunteer members within the Area and provide opportunities for appropriate Leadership development.
• Be a catalyst for Service and Achievement recognition for members within the Area.

Qualifications The ideal candidate will have:
• Two or more years experience as a Leader.
• Completed the Basic Learning objectives for one or more program sections.
• - Committed to undertake further personal development related to their role as Area Commissioner.
• Demonstrated effective interpersonal skills.
• Modelled positive behaviours appropriate to Scouting.
• Registered as a member of Scouts Canada.

Scouts Canada

Send corrections, comments, and new event listings to Brian Wick at membership@whitbyscouts.org.