Youth Sections

BEAVERS - Boys & Girls 5 to 7 years of age.
A program emphasizing cooperation in group creativeness, awareness of the natural world and provides positive fun activities.

CUBS - Boys & Girls 8 to 11 years of age.
This program is designed to offer opportunities for individual accomplishment and recognition, learning to work and play with others, and through the daily ``Good Turn'' introduces them to community service.

SCOUTS - Boys & Girls 11 to 14 years of age.
Boys and girls in this program learn by their participation in challenging, adventurous activities in groups called patrols under the direction of an elected patrol leader. Orientation towards outdoors is emphasized through camping and outdoor activities. Service in the community is also promoted.

VENTURERS - Young Men & Women 14 to 17 years of age.
As young adults, Venturers plan their own programs and elect their own officers, supported by and adult advisor. Venturers have an opportunity to do things which will help them to adapt to a rapidly changing world.

ROVERS - Young Men & Women 17 to 26 years of age.
With a motto of service, the program becomes a focal point for young men and women of exceptional integrity interested in personal development through service to the community.

Scouts Canada
Preparing for life is what we're all about.

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